Let's take a look at the categories on the left with
a brief explanation of the areas each one focuses on and why. Fingerpick, though in a
magazine format, will be added to rather than follow the more traditional course of a new
issue created at regularly set intervals. We will continue to add to the content of this
debut issue until it becomes unweildly, in other words, too full to efficiently navigate.
At that time, the existing content will go in to the Archives (Back Issues) section where
it will still be available at any time for all that missed it. Before
we explore an overview of each category though, let me first show you some video shot last
year at Gruhn's in Nashville. Gruhn's is a truly magical place. The video is of a 1944
000-21 Martin that I absolutely fell in love with. Now this kind of guitar, while
supremely sweet, is light as a feather and would be of little use for live performance as
it is probably much too fragile to handle the rigors of the road, not to mention the fact
that it took $12,000 to walk away with it. This is important to understand, for one of our
goals here is to show both the practical and the delicate, the cost-effective and the
luxurious, the useful and the opulent. For environmentally controlled studio work, I can't
imagine a tastier piece of wood and steel. The .MPG's are for Mac
people. Windows users should use the .WMV files, a
parameter that is recommended throughout this magazine. The second set of
video is a close up view and listen to this great little axe.
1944 Martin
000-21 $12K |
1944 Martin
000-21 $12K |
1944 Martin
Closeup |
1944 Martin
Closeup |
The Magazine Format
There are Twenty-One (21) categories or departments,
if you will, that make up Fingerpick Magazine. We'll give you a brief
overview of each one now. Obviously it is intended that you use the links at left above to
navigate the site. We feel that the following over view, which will be a part of the debut
issue only, will help get everyone started in an efficient way. This site will ultimately
provide a huge amount of information. We are in no rush to complete it as it will always
be a work in progress and therefore never really, by definition, complete. This cover page
will be updated in a month or so and begin the process of regularly updating this page to
let you know what is new inside at any given time. Until that first cover update, read the
overview of the departments below. All of the categories should have their full initial
content online in a week or so. The temporary links to the pages
you'll find in the headings below will open new windows that you can close so you can
quickly check for new content. The permanent "official" links at left above will
take you directly to the appropriate page without opening a new window. They will always
be there to guide your way on every page. Check back often and always let us know your
thoughts by going to the Contact page. As of 02/04/04, the Cover, Guitar Basics, and
the Children and Music pages have content you might enjoy.
Cover Page
- The Cover Page
(you are here now) will serve to introduce the site to first time users and keep
all visitors abreast of any new additions to the current content. These additions will be
ongoing as mentioned above until such time as it is necessary to put a current issue into
the Archives section. So check here first for what's new. You can reach any of the pages
from anywhere on the site. We have made sure that navigation is easy and intuitive.
Editorial Page
- The Editorial
Section will be updated frequently as new ideas that cover the general
subject of the music business arise. Yes, there is politics to music and certain attitudes
and trends really cannot be covered in any other way than to "editorialize"
about them. You only have to realize that nearly everything you hear about music, whether
it concerns genre, style, or the relative quality of equipment and instruments, is based
almost entirely on opinion, almost never hard facts. The subjective nature of this field
can be both interesting and annoying. No punches will be pulled in the section, but will
always be suitably qualified as "opinion."
Guitar Basics
- The Guitar
Basics area should be pretty self-explanatory. We will take an ongoing look
at shortcuts and improvements to understanding chord theory and the basics of the guitar
in general including truly efficient tuning techniques and the use of accessories like
picks and capos to allow your playing to grow exponentially. No matter what your level of
playing ability or how long you have played, we think you'll be surprised to find that
there is always something new to try here.
Acoustic Guitars
- The Acoustic Guitar section is designed to be an area where you
can really get your ears and eyes on a diverse group of interesting instruments. We will
not be doing reviews of the relative quality of instruments. Instead we'll provide video
and high quality audio so you can decide for yourself each instrument's design attributes.
In this section we will also discuss new cutting edge building techniques and how they
relate to sound as well as older design philosophies that have stood the test of time.
This section is designed to entertain as much as instruct, sharing with our readers the
extreme versatility of the acoustic guitar.
Electric Guitars
- The Electric Guitar section will focus on - yep, you got it, the
electric guitar. No other single instrument has changed the face of popular music like the
electric guitar. Thought of as mostly a rock, blues, and jazz platform, we will share with
you the incredibly diverse capabilities of these instruments including fingerpicking and
classical and other highly melodic samples. I love these guitars as their simple yet
highly efficient approach to reaching an audience is unmatched. This one is gonna be fun
as there is little on the web that truly explores the amazing versatility of this
Tools &
- The Tools
& Accessories department will cover everything, over time, one could
possibly need for maintaining and improving your instrument as well as all the handy
necessities required for maximizing your ability to perform. The old and new - the
cool and the mundane, each may have a place in the working musician's arsenal.
Technical Tips
- Technical
Tips will open a door of
opportunity for a diverse group of music industry professionals to share their unique
points of view with our readers. All of those little problems, tricks, or enhancements
that we so often worry over will be revealed in this continually growing section. We have
a number of noted contributors involved already, from top players, producers, engineers,
and guitar techs, to master instrument builders, musical electronics wizards, including
well known purveyors of musical products who can give you insight on the best way to buy
equipment. This may be your first chance to hear from the best and brightest in our
business in an in-depth, friendly format of interviews and columns.
Video Instruction
- The Video
Instruction area is one of the main focal points of this publication. We'll clearly
show you a wide range of techniques - not just talk about them. We will spend
very little time teaching you riffs or other artists' songs. Instead we will focus on the
true basics of technique that ultimately will allow and encourage each of you to develop
your own style and creations. We hope to ultimately learn as much from you as you do from
us. This philosophy will permeate all sections of this publication as we find nothing more
counterproductive than helping to create clones of other players. We want your individual
perspectives and unique attributes to be enhanced. While we truly respect the work of the
greats, the music world needs new heroes, not impersonators of old ones. You're never too
old or too young to create a refreshingly new piece or style of music. The variables are
unlimited as to how one approaches the musical form. We want to help you fly your own
aircraft and relinquish your role as merely a dependent seat-belted passenger. So hang on
and get ready to fly. - And we expect our readers to take us with them on the journey!
Video Demos
- The Video Demos section will be both instructional and
entertaining where full performances, by those working with Fingerpick Magazine, as well
as other contributors, will take you on the sensuous journeys that can only be experienced
with both great sound and beautiful video - video that focuses not only on the instrument
but on the environment the performance is created within. A sight and sound experience.
All files will be downloadble to your computer for more efficient viewing when ever you
Audio Demos
- Audio Demos will be much like the Video Demo Section except for
the Video part, of course. MP3 compression technology allows players to create complete
works (rather than short snips) at very nice sounding resolutions but whose files sizes
are manageable as downloads. Again, we here at fingerpick as well as our contributors will
be creating and sharing as well as looking for very creative new directional
possibilities. This section will be added to as well until full then archived. Contact
info will be provided for sending us your original protected
works. Fingerpick Magazine will remain the sole judge as to content acceptability.
A/V Recording
- The Audio/Video Recording section will focus on the tools and
techniques necessary to create state of the art recordings as well as musical video pieces
with relatively inexpensive equipment. Not cheap mind you, but for less (much less in many
cases) than the price many pay for a single handmade guitar. The time of the Independent
producer and content provider has arrived and you will be amazed at the level of quality
that is obtainable once you know the equipment available and its capabilities. The
entertainment world has become enamoured with the visual as well as with high definition
audio. You are closer than you may think to having the tools for such creations and
compete with the "big" guys.
MIDI Simplified
- MIDI Simplified is a much needed exploration in what should be a
simple process to convert digital information into a very robust array of musical
instruments and arrangements. We will de-mystify the world of MIDI (Musical Instrument
Digital Interface) and its many uses both as a music production tool as well as its
ability to control many of the functions of other MIDI equipped devices.
Performance Sound
- The Performance Sound area will provide detailed looks at
equipment that can maximize your public performances. There is a lot of equipment out
there and most of it is surprising good, depending of course on the situation. We hope to
help you pick the most suitable setups for your anticipated needs. All the basics will be
covered, including mics, power amps, mixers, cables, lights, instruments and the hardest
part of all - tips for making sure your audience hears exactly what you intend.
Guitar Pickups
- Guitar Pickups - Now here's a subject that has grown a great deal
in the last few years. Well we won't disappoint. We'll let you hear them as we get them,
all in the same instrument so you can compare. The section will include both acoustic
guitar pickups and electric guitar set ups as well. After all, the pickup is most often
what your audience actually hears.
Guitar Amps
- The Guitar
Amp section will examine various types and brands of guitar amplification
systems. With several thousand possibilities, this section should one day be a very
comprehensive resource for those who are shopping for "that" sound. There will
be high quality sound files of each amp used as well as photos and descriptions of control
surfaces and optimum settings.
Children & Music
- Children & Music is a personal favorite as I not only started
playing at a very young age, but have since seen the way the successfully met challenge of
a musical instrument can change the life of children in very powerful and positive ways.
We'll be looking for your stories as well.
- The Manufacturers section will provide as much information as
humanly possible on the staggering number of music industry equipment manufacturers. From
guitars to electronics, you will find info here on them all, including direct contact
information whenever possible.
Back Issues
- The Back Issues or Archives section will
eventually have a lot of content. It will be awhile before the current issue is too full
to continue and at that time you will be instructed to check out the archives for older
Contact Us
- The Contact
Page is where you can communicate directly with Doug and the staff of
Fingerpick Magazine. There will be no email links on this site as SPAM is becoming such a
problem, we are not going to make it easy for Spammers to glean email addresses. Once you
contact us, using the simple form on the contact page, we will respond and establish an
email relationship with each and every one of our readers who wish it. We have other high
traffic sites we publish at The Andromedan Design Company and we have never gathered ANY
information on any of our site visitors. Once they contact us it is typical that a
productive relationship develops and this is a two way agreement that we honor above all
other interests. The Contact Page is also where you will let us know if you have content
you wish to provide, be it music or ideas, for us to share with our readership. We have
made a great many friends over the years and expect to make many more through this
- Advertising will be a part of this site. We hope to make this a
SERVICE to our readers by letting you know of the existence of both manufacturers and
retailers alike with links to their websites through banner ads. We will be accepting
advertising requests after this debut issue has enough content to justify it. It will be
highly cost-effective. We have no interest in selling instructional videos or other
training aids. It is our experience that with a little initial guidance, the majority of
the work and joy of learning to be a better player is up to the individual and the amount
of effort they chose to put into achieving their goals. However, from time to time certain
items will be sold on this site to include cd's and dvd's of original music and/or video
works by the staff, contributors, and readership of Fingerpick Magazine. We will also make
hard to find, highly useful items available here when they are not available from other
commercial sources. This may sound a bit mysterious but I assure you we can get certain
kinds of equipment and accessories that others may not be able to get or are that
retailers are unwilling to stock. We will let you know when appropriate.
Reader Input/FAQs
- And finally our Reader Input/FAQ section will contain letters and other
communications from our readers that we feel would be of interest to our greater
readership. As we get increasing quantities of similar questions or other frequently
duplicated ideas, we will put them in this section under the FAQs heading. Enjoy this
effort. It is for you this work has been done. And remember to enjoy your musical
experiences, though they may be at times frustrating. Playing an instrument really is not
that difficult. Truly feeling what you play should be your ultimate goal.